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The Government of Chihuahua treated more than 131,000 people in remote communities through telemedicine and mobile units

The government of the State of Chihuahua served 131,947 people in more than 3,000 Rarámuri, Warijó, Pima and Tepehuán communities.

The more than 131,000 visits through telemedicine and mobile health units were carried out by brigades in 14 vehicles that traveled through areas of the Chihuahua mountains.

The 3,225 benefited communities received quality basic medical services. Health Secretary Eduardo Fernández Herrera explained that investment in tools such as telemedicine have made it possible to provide timely and quality services in remote areas.

Through the so-called Health Caravans, the medical director of the Health Services of Chihuahua, Marco Alejandro Salazar Morales, explained that they have managed to reach 4,400 locations that are difficult to access, seeking to prioritize these communities in the mountain region.

To improve this type of service, it was necessary to install satellite internet in all health centers, which included mobile medical units. This has facilitated the provision of services and care through telemedicine for thousands of people in different specialties.

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