Health authorities of Peru presented the Geospatial System of Integrated Health Networks (GeoRis) as part of the latest update of the Single National Repository of Health Information (Reunis).
The Reunis is a database of the Ministry of Health of Peru (Minsa), which has information from the General Directorate of Assurance and Benefit Exchange (Dgain). Its most recent update incorporates the Geospatial System of Integrated Health Networks (GeoRis), a platform that allows the population to be informed about data related to Integrated Health Networks (RIS) and the location of establishments that perform COVID-19 tests. 19.
As explained by the Minsa, GeoRis “collects, analyzes, identifies and interprets primary and secondary information from different inter-institutional sources in Peru, enabling georeferencing (use of geographic coordinates to assign an exact spatial location) of the RIS. It is recommended to previously watch the video tutorial for the proper use of the application”.

The platform allows various filters to be applied, for example, to search for EsSalud establishments, IPRESS, health centers with telemedicine services, among others. It is also possible to measure the distances in different units of measurement between the different health units and establishments, as well as make measurements of square meters of selections made on the map and consult the latitude and longitude of each location.
Likewise, the new platform will progressively incorporate new tools and functions, as well as methodological designs that favor the implementation of RIS in the country.
Check out this new tool at the following link: