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Provinces in Argentina grow together with help of Digital Health

Digital Health aims is to set up itself across the country regardless of their location, as it seeks to provide innovation methods that supports the daily care to the total population.

Argentina is transforming its health systems, adapting them to Digital Health together with the innovations imposed by the new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

The National Digital Health Network strategy is focused in the entire region, prioritizing remote areas and small communities.

The job done by this strategy has allowed the provinces to have systems that operate in order to improve the quality of the results and each medical data organization, as is the case of the Electronic Medical Record.

Through this mechanism, the patient can have all their information gathered as treatments, surgeries, medications and conditions in a single database that will be available digitally on any platform, regardless of the public institution or the date on which it is requested.


Another function added was the interoperability with HL7 FHIR standard, which connects health information and all its resources between different platforms to decentralize all data and could be available in any moment. 

In Chaco, people are recorded in the National Registry of Persons (RENAPER), it is a website that identifies each patient in a particular way and generates a unique analysis depending on their characteristics.

For this part, Río Negro have its own infrastructure that decentralizes the system to produce accurate statistics trough mobile devices and mobile apps, which project any requested data in real time.

Another of the provinces that have been benefited from technological advances is Mendoza, whose strategy is to considered Universal Health Coverage (CUS) with the objective of eradicating the digital divide and providing useful information to all people so that they can become active agents of their own treatment.

The National Digital Health Network seeks to guarantee the rights of access to public health services, accessible to all citizens, taking care of their privacy and ensuring their well-being.

Their practice involves software where the doctor points out antecedents, diagnoses or problems, care plan, laboratory results, medication and among other things that make up a global picture about the health situation of each patient.

A secure portal will be entered to consult virtual details of each clinical case and with this, provide confidence so that the quality of life of each person is protected against any risk factor.

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