Latin America is progressing in Digital Health systems and technical development, as an innovative and revolutionary method. With the aim of cover people’s basic needs and attend their conditions at public institutions.
Brazil is developing telemedicine use to strengthen their digital health services and processes.
ICTs have shortened distance and times, reinforcing methodologies used to obtain reliable results and accurate diagnoses that minimize diseases on people.
Teleconsultations, remote surgery, online diagnosis, play a critical role in public health centers and bring a knowledge and technic breakthrough.
A meeting was held by the Social Security and Family Commission, to discuss these new applications and their full involvement in medical treatments.
The main objective is to strength the definition that Digital Health has, and show the benefits it offers within the health field.

This closes the gap in access to health services and makes it available to anyone (regardless of geographic or socioeconomic context), to take advantage of all the opportunities.
There is already a regulation given by the Federal Council of Medicine (CMF) that authorizes remote contact for the doctor and the patient, with a normativity to guarantee safer software and apps in digital devices.
This is another example of how technology and their applications must move in order to make it easier for users to access.