Chronic Kidney Disease
Cursos y evidencia para enfrentar las Enfermedades Crónicas para medicina, enfermería y otros profesionales de la salud.

Institution: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology book series
Description: This article summarizes the burden of disease, causes of chronic kidney disease outcomes, and strategies for disease prevention.
Institution: Nature Reviews Nephrology
Description: The emerging role of epigenetics and epigenomics in diabetic kidney disease and the translational potential of candidate epigenetic factors and non-coding RNAs as biomarkers and drug targets for diabetic kidney disease are highlighted.
Platform: CENETEC
Institution: Mexican Social Security Institute
Description: CENETEC Guide for Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease
Platform: Click Health
Institution: Carlos Slim Foundation
Description: Explanatory video for the general public about what peritoneal dialysis is.
Institution: American Diabetes Association
Description: This compendium will provide an update on the pathogenesis, screening, monitoring, prevention, and treatment of chronic kidney disease in patients with diabetes.
Institution: World Journal of Nephrology
Description: Description of the epidemiology, pathophysiology and management of kidney injury in COVID-19
Description: The 2020 clinical practice guideline for the management of diabetes in chronic kidney disease (CKD) of kidney disease includes topics such as comprehensive care, glycemic monitoring and goals, lifestyle and antihyperglycemic interventions, and approaches to self-management and optimal models of attention
Institution: World Journal of Transplantation
Description: Practical recommendations for kidney transplantation during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Institution: KDIGO
Description: The 2021 KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline on Blood Pressure (BP) Management in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) includes new information on BP management recommendations for people with CKD not on dialysis, improving BP control for reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in adults with CKD and other important related issues.
Institution: Clinical Nutrition
Description: This guideline represents an update and expansion of the existing ESPEN Guidelines on enteral nutrition in adult kidney patients and parenteral nutrition in adult kidney failure. It has been prepared by a multidisciplinary group of experts from different specialties (Nephrology, Intensive Care Medicine, Internal Medicine).
Institution: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Description: Review article that addresses the main factors involved in the progression of CKD and the best strategies to prevent it.
Institution: American Journal Kidney Disease
Description: Explica el concepto de Tasa de Filtrado Glomerular y los métodos que existen para su medición explicando las fortalezas y limpitaciones para una evaluación en la práctica diaria y en circunstancias especiales. RESUMEN
Institution: Spanish Society of Nephrology
Description: Calculators of the Spanish Society of Nephrology: COCKCROFT - GAULT, MDRD AND ESTIMATION OF GLOMERULAR FILTRATION MDR / CKD-EPI
Description: KDIGO is the global nonprofit organization that develops and implements evidence-based clinical practice guidelines in kidney disease.
Platform: Click Health
Institution: Carlos Slim Foundation
Description: Kidney function calculator based on a self-filling questionnaire.
Institution: Mexican Federation of Kidney Patients and Transplanted
Description: Official site of the Mexican Federation of Kidney Patients and Transplanted
Platform: edx
Institution: Autonomous University of Madrid
Description: Course for the general public in which the functioning of the kidneys is explained
Platform: Click Health
Institution: Carlos Slim Foundation
Description: In this video for the general public, the kidneys invite you through a peaceful protest to give up bad habits in order to maintain adequate health in these organs. They also explain each of its very important functions.
Institution: American Heart Association
Duration: 4 hours
Description: Webinar on the latest update to the AHA Get With The Guidelines Heart Failure. The update occurred on December 12, 2020.
Platform: coursera
Institution: University of Cape Town
Description: In this course, you will learn about the science behind determining death and when organ donation may take place.
Platform: coursera
Institution: UNAM
Description: The peritoneal dialysis program includes theoretical-practical knowledge of a decisive nature for teaching self-care in patients dialyzed at home.
Platform: FutureLearn
Institution: Taipei Medical University
Description: Develop clinical pharmacy skills and explore the complexities of drug dosing in kidney disease with this pharmacokinetics course.
Institution: Pan American Health Organization
Description: Course whose main purpose is to promote awareness of the importance of acute kidney injury and the role of the health team at the first level of care in the prevention, early diagnosis and timely treatment of this condition, in order to reduce its impact on the health of the population.
Platform: coursera
Institution: University of Leiden
Description: Divided into 4 modules 1) Before the transplant 2) Surgical procedures and the challenge with patients, including patients with diabetes and the challenged patient. 3) Early challenges 4) Post-transplant challenges
Institution: Pan American Health Organization
Description: Course focused on improving primary prevention measures in chronic kidney disease and optimizing timely diagnosis and quality of treatment for patients with chronic kidney disease to prevent it from progressing to more advanced stages.