Sofia is a new remote health care app that offers video consultations with medical specialists.
This mobile phone application was developed in Mexico and as a result of the Pandemic by COVID-19 and the rise of telemedicine services has seen an increase in the use of its services.
In fact, the platform enabled free video consultations due to the increase in COVID-19 cases in Mexico that began in late March. Members of this project pledged to help people treat contagious diseases without going to the hospital.
The application offers the video consultation mode where the user has the ability to communicate with an internist doctor and receive an electronic prescription, even, depending on their site you can receive your medicines at your doorstep.
Although it is starting, Sofia has offered almost 2,000 video queries and had more than 3,500 downloads on mobile devices until the end of July. The platform also offers health plans through fast registration processes and according to its website, these plans offer care for hospitalization for illness or accidents.
Another feature of this app is "Doctors Near You" option in which you can choose from more than 50 medical specialties and later will yield the results of doctors that are available near your location.

In interview for W Radio, Arturo Sánchez Correa, co-founder of Sofia explained the following regarding the modality of the application: "We comply with the regulatory framework as any medical consultation scheme, high specialty internist doctors must meet all the requirements as indicated by the Mexican standard to consult, they must even have an office in case the pre-diagnosis via app yields the need for care in a personal way".
It is important that digital applications and services comply with regulatory frameworks to provide quality services and in accordance with the rules established by the authorities.