Also, coronavirus related book chapters and journal articles are free to access.
Cambridge University, through Cambridge University Press, announced that more than 700 textbooks are now freely available digitally, until the end of May.
You can view the textbooks available in the following link
Additionally The Press joined Wellcome Trustand another 30 publishing companies, in committing to making of their COVID-19 and coronavirus-related publications, and the available data supporting them, immediately accessible in PubMed Central(PMC)and other public repositories.

In this way Cambridge University is giving free access to chapters of books and articles of scientific journals that have coronavirus as their main topic, so they prepared a collection of 80 chapters of scientific books and journals and the list continues to be updated and can be consulted at the following link:
Another action taken includes free access to reference works for Cambridge Core clients, granting free access to research and scientific tools Cambridge Histories, Cambridge Companions, and Cambridge Elements.
With these, Cambridge University seeks the correct scientific dissemination of information for health professionals and researchers in general.