Through digital health tools and flexible public policies, it seeks to safeguard the lives of pregnant woman or in delivery process.
Guatemala joined efforts with the Tula Canadian Foundation to create the proyect “Mejoramiento de la Salud Materno Infantil 2016-2020 a través de eSalud Comunitaria”; whose goal is to reduce mortality rates in woman and children in the country.
The plan is to adapt technology as promoter of punctual strategies to offer quality service in isolated or rural areas with remote consults, treatments and follow-ups.
With this purpose the Ministerio de Salud Pública y Asistencia Social (MSPAS) together with FundaTula, have technology available to register an increase in medical attention quality, medicineTV has been use as intervention axis to connect woman in labor and children with a software inside mobile platforms (such as a cellphone) in which they will receive advice from a specialist without the need to meet face to face.
The center of the project ca be observed in two concepts per Salud Digital: creation of communitary attention networks in the first level attention centers through digital devices and remote training, that as the name indicates, may enable educational activities with images and videos through satellite with the purpose to strengthen patient treatment and evaluation.

The program has grown to 90 Municipal Health Districts, over 6, 600 rural communities, approximately 3.4 million inhabitants and is integrated by 4,375 users (health professionals) from 4 Guatemala departments: Alta Verapaz, El Quiché, Huehuetenango y Sololá, in the three levels of attention.