It will be able to monitor the management and financial status of Colombian hospitals from the web to create a solvency that proves trust in users.
As part of the program “AI Hospital”, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Colombia, developed and application that allows the citizen to monitor the results of the public hospitals in critical aspects as: service quality, Budget balance, financial management, and some other basic indicators of public health services.
The Minister, Juan Pablo Uribe Restrepo, said that the objective is to transform the public health services, improving the access and the quality of the services. Mainly, this tool is searching public transparency in the health services.
He also said that “We want to respond to the needs of people and communities throughout the territory, and in that context, public hospitals are important because there the largest number of citizens are in place in search of care”.
This web-based method manages the audit of several indicatives concerning the performance of the activities -both administrative and operational- of hospitals and, through a guideline of qualifications, gives the health center a ranking that can be consulted by the citizens with the aim of creating an agenda with the best options of public health services.
"It is further constituted in an instrument that strengthens the transparency of actions in the health sector, as it facilitates access to information for all those interested in it", explained the Minister Uribe Restrepo.

AI Hospital’s main objective is to improve the quality of health care and focus financial resources to drive hospitals to renew themselves on instruments that enable constant workflow. The app measures that these factors take into account each unit's manageability and coloring results on a map in the region with the following standards:
- Hospitals with an overall performance of more than 85% are colored in green.
- Those with a 70-85% are colored in yellow.
- The ones under 70% are colored in red.
This program whole purpose is to support the network of health systems with enough gear without leaving aside the needs of the population guided by four axes that include reforms to restructure the way hospitals work, position in a single quadrant with their own mobility to public health and unify it in a single compendium on the basis of funding the development of optimal and stable Digital Health.
Some of the topics are teen pregnancy; obesity and overweight associated with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases; use of psychoactive substances, traffic collisions, among other frameworks that include a prosperity in collective well-being.
The Fonsaet (Health Sector Rescue and Guarantee Fund) allocated 86 billion within the "Al Hospital" program and 33 million from the (Fonsaet) to strengthen, enhance and equip hospitals with the necessary requirements.