The Argentine government implemented the Electronic Medical Registry to make clinical histories more dynamic and for the doctor-patient relationship to speed up the procedures using digital platforms.
Argentina progresses every day with its progress in the area of health and the continuous work it does with Information and Communication Technologies. A digital system, Electronic Medical Registration (RME), has been created, with which you can track in digital format of patients or a group. It stores details of the physical condition at different times in the patient's life, as well as the actions that were developed to establish and/or modify.
The RME digital system contains the record of more than 24,286 patients who have obtained more than 46,724 consultations from 476 Health Professionals who are registered within the system.
The The Ministry of Science and Technology together with the Ministry of Healthare responsible for promoting medical practices by inserting technology into their fields. Thus, they underpin modernization and the level of competence in their services.
The platform that the government uses is Medical Records Medical Records 3.0an app available to the Android system from the PlayStore. Doctors can have it and take it everywhere through Tablet or smartphones, and generate mobile records; for this they must enter using their CIPE 3.0, a digital signature granted by the Ministry of Health.
The EHR speed up patient history capture and condense it into a portal with affable links that allow for easy transfer of information to information. Online accessibility can be available to both patients and their physicians and thus contribute to the clinical history by appending data that generates a complete health status report and treatments to be followed in certain conditions.

The details that may be observed within the register will be:
- Laboratory results
- Radiology records
- Routine or proposed medical treatments
- Health problems
- Allergies
- Immunizations
- Prescribed treatments and medications
- Summaries of the care received
- Instructions for hospital discharge
Cristian Cano, head of Digital Government of San Luis, said: "Patients can access their Digital Clinical History through the Puntano Portal, the platform of the Government of the Province that allows to carry out different procedures. Each citizen will be able to access the health portal and enter their medical history; there you will be able to see the professionals who attended it, the drugs that prescribed it, studies performed such as tomography, MRI, x-ray." Cano concluded: "We are very pleased with the degree of progress that has been achieved. It is a benefit for the doctor to be able to have the patient's clinical history easily accessible, safe and at any time, without the role, which often complicates the analysis of information; and it is also a benefit for the patient to have all the information organized, available and secure."