e-Blueinfo is a free mobile application for health professionals promoted by the Pan American Health Organization. It currently has information from Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Paraguay and Peru.
e-Blueinfo, aims to provide health professionals with reliable and up-to-date information from the Ministries of Health of their countries and other teaching and research institutions. This app was developed by the Latin American and Caribbean Center for Health Sciences Information (BIREME) and PAHO/WHO, which collaborated with various institutions, ministries of health, and PAHO regional offices.
In this sense, e-Blueinfo offers health professionals various relevant content for their medical practice, such as guides, manuals, protocols, among others, which are constantly updated by the responsible institutions in each country.

The most recent country to join this initiative was Paraguay, which on December 13, 2021 through the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare and the National Institute of Health in the role of National Coordinating Center of the Virtual Health Library in Paraguay (BVS PY), carried out the official launch of the app in the country.
During the presentation of the app, the organizers highlighted the tools and facilities of the application in access to scientific information. In addition, they also highlighted the importance of having verified information for decision-making by health professionals, especially at the first level of care.
Each country that participates in this project must establish its local Governance Committee, in charge of managing the contents of primary health care. In Paraguay, the responsible body is the Primary Health Care Directorate (APS) of the Ministry of Health, in cooperation with the BVS PY.
At the moment e-Blueinfo in Paraguay has 86 documents on primary care categorized into four collections:
- Normative Documents of the APS Management that provide guides, standards, technical specifications, codes of good practices and regulations of the APS Management;
- Official Documents of the Ministry of Health, such as laws, policies, regulations and standards with a comprehensive vision of health within the framework of the PHC Strategy;
- Documents by Life Course for the management of users classified according to the different stages or situations that begin before conception and continue throughout their lives;
- Cross-cutting documents that reinforce Paraguay's PHC strategy.
The application is free and available to medical professionals from the mentioned countries: https://e-blueinfo.bvsalud.org/es/informacion-del-pais/