Initially the new feature was added to this search engine in the UK and the company is looking to apply it in more countries gradually.
Google is the leading search engine in the world, it is the gateway to the Internet for millions of users. Currently, with the beginning of the application of the first COVID-19 vaccines, Internet users have been looking for information related to this topic. In response to this, Google has implemented strategies that seek to combat misinformation about vaccines.
The access to the information about the vaccines must be transparent and responsible, the world will enter in a massive vaccination process, that is why it is important that the information that circulates about the vaccine and the vaccination processes is reliable.
Google started to apply a new feature in searches, in which the user when searching information about COVID-19 vaccines, will find a list of all vaccines authorized so far in his location, as well as individual information about each of the vaccines. The project suggests that it will be applied in more countries, and that it will be updated depending on the authorizations and plans of each country and its health institutions.

In the statement, Google reported that since they applied information panels on YouTube videos in early March 2020, these have been viewed more than 400 billion times. In these panels Google adds links to the websites of health authorities in each country.
“The fight against the pandemic and the development of new vaccines has required global collaboration between the public health sector, and the scientific and medical communities. As work begins to vaccinate billions of people, we’ll support these efforts with additional products and features to ensure people have the right information at the right time,” they concluded in their official blog post.