The telemedicine service of the Assistance Network in Tarapoto, Peru will start operating during the third week of July.
The city of Tarapoto is located in the department of San Martín in northern Peru, and is also the most populous city in the department. For this reason, the Social Security of Peru (EsSalud), seeks to extend its program of telemedicine services for its policyholders throughout the country.
In this way, the Telemedicine service of the Tarapoto Healthcare Network will begin operating during the week of July 18, 2022, with the aim of reducing waiting times for diagnoses and providing timely treatment to patients, based on the use of Technological tools.

One of the first actions of the Tarapoto Assistance Network is the execution of remote monitoring tests for insured persons who are part of the Home Care and Chronic Patients Program. “This service will allow the specialist doctor to consult the patient, who will not have to go to any health center, but will receive the medical appointment at home, all within the institutional policy of having the patient as the central axis of care. ”, explained Dr. Beltrán Lozano Gonzáles, director of the network.
Currently, EsSalud's Tarapoto Assistance Network has more than 116,000 policyholders, who could benefit directly from the incorporation of remote health services such as telemedicine and telemonitoring. Likewise, inhabitants of other localities and insured persons of other care networks could access the Tarapoto telemedicine service.
For the implementation of telemedicine services, the network will have six virtual clinics for teleconsultations and four for the teleradiology service.
It is worth mentioning that the telemedicine service of the Tarapoto Assistance Network will connect with the National Center for Telemedicine (CENATE), that offers specialized telehealth services for the entire country.