The Ministry of Health and Social Protection, (Minsalud) of Colombia, presented the mobile application "Know your risk".
In May 2020, the Ministry of Health presented the first version of "Know your Risk", an app to assess the probability of getting diabetes or suffering a heart attack. In Colombia, 4 out of 10 adults suffer from high blood pressure, and 60% do not know it, and 3 out of 100 have chronic kidney disease. Therefore, it is important for patients to identify the behaviors and habits that can increase the possibility of suffering from a chronic disease.

In this way, the inhabitants of Colombia over 18 years of age can download the application and answer a questionnaire to identify the risk of developing a chronic disease. Through a questionnaire of 17 questions, the user processes the answers and the calculator will show the probability that the person may develop a chronic disease in the next 10 years”, explained Nubia Bautista, deputy director of Non-communicable Diseases of the Ministry of Health.
By identifying the risk profile, interventions are defined so that the patient receives the corresponding medical attention. "As soon as the person's risk profile is recognized, the interventions of each person or those that a certain group of individuals should receive are oriented, and who in the health system should respond to meet these needs," explained the deputy director.
The app is available for mobile phones and tablets with iOS and Android operating systems: