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Peru's Ministry of Health offers diploma course in Telemedicine Management to healthcare personnel

In response to the pandemic, the Peruvian Ministry of Health (Minsa) deployed several telehealth and telemedicine strategies to continue providing quality care to the population.

The General Directorate of Telehealth, Reference and Emergencies (Digtel) of the Minsa, in collaboration with the National School of Public Health (Ensap), began teaching the first diploma course in Telemedicine Management in Peru, which will last until November 15, 2021.

The purpose of the course is to "strengthen the skills and competencies of the healthcare personnel who provide and develop telehealth services in the Health Service Provider Institutions (Ipress) that make up the National Telehealth Network (RNT)," explained the Minsa.

Fernando Carbone Campoverde, Minsa advisor, explained that Telehealth in Peru is part of the change and transformation of the health sector, so it is important to continue strengthening and advancing in the implementation of these services, especially at the first level of care.

The five-module diploma course includes topics related to telehealth regulations in Peru, recent advances and achievements in this sector at a national and international level, techniques and examples of technological governance, information security for users and patients, as well as personal data protection.

In the current health emergency, it is important for professionals to have the appropriate training to provide services through telemedicine and bring medical care to remote communities.

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