Deputies seek to reform the Health Law of Mexico City, to include terms such as telemedicine, telehealth, and electronic medical prescription.
Ricardo Rubio has proposed incorporating concepts related to remote medical care and the digitization of medical services in the Mexico City Health Law. The proposal is aimed at providing regulatory tools for the practice of telemedicine in the capital.
After the pandemic, many doctors and health professionals decided to provide their services remotely, which is why it is important to lay technical foundations so that remote medical care also meets certain quality standards.
"In our local system, this necessary practice is not yet recognized, which is why we intend to include in local legislation the concepts related to remote medical care," explained the deputy.

The articles of the Health Law that are sought to be modified are the following:
- Article 5: Which details the basic services contemplated by the right to health, such as health promotion, preventive medicine, sexual and reproductive health services, among others. And it would seek to include remote medical care.
- Article 6: Which provides the definitions of technical terms related to medical care, also seeking to include the proposed terms: telehealth, telemedicine, electronic medical prescription.
- Article 10: Related to local guidelines for the development of health activities, and the importance of the Official Mexican Standards.
- Article 12: On the rights of users of health services.
- Article 14: On the informed participation of citizens, the community and officials in health programs and in the provision of services.
- Article 19: On the powers of the Government of Mexico City in matters of health.
- Article 111: Which details aspects of financing and development of programs and establishments within the Ministry of Health.
The proposal was turned over to the Health Commission, where it will be analyzed and ruled on in the future.
Previously, in February 2021, the deputy of the Congress of Mexico City, Jesús Fuentes Gómez, urged the Digital Agency for Public Innovation in coordination with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, both from Mexico City, the design of a Digital Government policy that promotes the implementation of telemedicine in the city.