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<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Comunicación Educativa

Health Awareness

Nowadays, ignorance has become the biggest risk factor for health. Having a good health culture is key to keeping it and managing any acute or chronic illnesses that may arise. Access to this information on a daily basis has been made possible thanks to tools such as the Internet, where today there are countless websites dedicated to self-care and health promotion. However, the veracity and scientific support of the information found in these portals is often questionable, and instead of helping, it directly harms people, since the primary objective of "alphabetizing" them in medicine, so that they can prevent diseases by following healthy lifestyle habits, is no longer fulfilled.

Solución Portal CLIKISalud

In response, Carlos Slim Foundation created, an educational health communication portal that promotes self-care and the adoption of healthy lifestyles through information based on scientific evidence, which incorporates interactive and didactic activities on topics such as: life line, nutrition, diabetes, obesity, addictions, autism and depression, among others. These contents are intended to facilitate the work of parents, teachers and health promoters.

In addition, the portal has tools such as calculators and downloadable apps, as well as a series of weekly videos as capsules, called Salud de Uno.

Manuales tu Salud

The Your Health Manuals The Tu Salud Manuals are a clear, concise and accessible guide to the basics of daily health care. They are organized by age group, providing practical and specific information on health in the different stages of life. Their contents are updated every year and are made available on the portal's Lifeline CLIKISalud.


Millions of visits to
“Tu Salud” manuals distributed.
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