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Mexico works to eradicate environmental alert with technology solutions

Mexico experienced an air pollution alert throughout the country. This problem had been brewing for some time due to practices affecting the environment and that is why several specialists gathered to reach scientific agreements that raise awareness of good habits to take care of the conditions of the planet and, of course, health.

Government officials from Nuevo Leon, Jalisco, Guanajuato and other Latin American countries met at the Workshop on Environmental Epidemiology, Air Pollution and Training for AirQ+ use,held in Mexico City.

The AirQ+ is a computer assistant software that record air conditions in terms of exposure with pollutants. It also gives access to make an estimated measurement of its quality and if it is advisable to breathe it or stay away from certain areas so as not to contract diseases.

The technology is an accurate gear, as sensors that use to detect threats of polluting particles in real time become sensitized and thus send constant records with the desire for prevention.

Even as the information age has expanded and there is access to a wealth of data on how to take care of the planet or reduce the amount of daily waste, trash disposed when eating and during the production of industrial products create a layer that suffocates the planet.

"The waste that we are leaving in the atmosphere or in many other parts of the planet affects all life and to that extent scientific knowledge and capacity building becomes central,", said Marina Robles García, Secretary of Environment.

Change is necessary and it starts with individual behavior. From how people consume and live, to garbage and how it is disposed of.

The workshop was attended by representatives of important institutions such as the secretary of capital health, the WHO representative and adviser, the director of environmental health at INSP and the UN Environment representative in Mexico.

It is very important to continue to raise awareness and work to institutionalize best practices for the care of the environment and improve the living conditions of the population.

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