Colombia added a digital component specialized in caring for and informing all women in the country about fatal diseases such as breast cancer. With this platform it is hoped to encourage taking specialized check-up, precaution and treatment measures in order to reduce the death rate due to these diseases.
Thanks to the intervention of Digital Health in the problems that public institutions address, awareness can be created to recognize and prevent specific diseases.
In this sense, the Colombian government framed eHealth Doctoralia, a digital platform that serves as a bridge for women to have all possible information about the conditions that affect them.
According to the National Cancer Institute, breast cancer is the leading cause of female death in the country, as there is not enough information on how to detect it to prevent it.
So, eHealth Doctoralia, will serve as a support and guidance guide to instruct on intimate health conditions such as ovarian cancer and sexually transmitted diseases.

It also performs statistical analyzes to find variants that indicate which way to go in the fight against death. So far it has been extracted that 27% of Colombian women do not have breast checks and that 23% do not know how it should be done.

With this panorama, a strengthening in the information systems and social networks is visualized so that, through the internet, reliable and accurate data is spread and the disinformation gap can be covered due to the lack of a considerable amount of truthful information.
Public health institutions and specialists are committed to providing treatments and diagnoses that protect the health and life of all women equally.