In the midst of the revolution that the new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) bring with them, public health systems in Latin America are renewed with the aim of evolving the way in which they offer medical care.
Paraguay bets on the innovation of its health systems with the application of the technological revolution. With this, it converts the medical practices in public health centers and institutions into a digital format.
Thus, the Ministry of Health updates its methods by transforming them digitally with the help of organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).
The country's decision focuses on turning the patient into the main actor of health systems through technological evolution that operates on virtual platforms dedicated to monitoring and treating the patient's health status.
Through specialized care, it is expected to achieve a model of equitable integration that reaches the entire population and thus, reduce the access gap in order to prevent any latent disease.
Within the national plan, the measurement of information systems to handle clinical data in a secure manner and ensure a protected flow of exchange between platforms is included.

Interoperability will become important to link all health centers and keep them in line with the health situation of the population.
In addition, to treat any case at any place and time regardless of the circumstances.
Also the networks and the configuration of the internet connection will play an important role so that the results and decisions arrive quickly, because for Dr. Luis Pérez, a member of the World Health Bank, "the digital transformation strategy being developed by the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare of Paraguay, has an appropriate design and means a central instrument in the modernization of the sector by laying the foundations for deeper reforms."
The integration of information systems is critical for the planning and performance management of Family Health Units and Hospitals, facilitating adequate monitoring of people's health and monitoring of global health goals and objectives.
Inter-agency cooperation and knowledge sharing, together with financing and advice, are the fundamental pillar for the Paraguayan government to issue mature public policies with the intention of being more flexible in all aspects that involve Digital Health.