Within its capabilities and resources, Facebook has developed tools designed to meet the Digital Health needs of every person without exception and, thus, reduce the unequal access gap.
Throughout its journey, the social network Facebook, has renewed its system and has adapted to the media circumstances surrounding the entire world.
In this sense, and with the emergence of new technologies that renew the way of exercising health services, it has created a tool called “Preventive Health”, which is included in the Digital Health map.
The efforts of this tool are solidified by establishing a connection with nearby health centers after having conducted a survey where the user records their medical data.
Once this first step is completed, the social network links an interaction with the nearest places to deal with cases depending on the analysis and complete comparison of the data provided.
The main engine to implement health services is to combat the main causes of death such as cancer and heart problems.

Groups to get support

Preventive Health also offers the option of finding groups with common health themes to create a network of users that provide strategies, advice and recommendations that help improve the quality of life of each one.
Creating communities that function as chains linked by a common objective will strengthen the results and will be based on the protection of each person's personal data to convey security.
Blood donation
Another issue on which Facebook innovates is the issue of blood donation, which has taken relevance in social networks.
Given this, there is the possibility of volunteering to donate by simply registering personal data and having passed the requirements; Thus, the same network links and shows the nearest hospitals to do the procedure.

Program against fake news
In addition, there is a plan that attempts to combat false and poorly informed news about vaccination, since much information is incomplete or misrepresented and wants to discredit this action.
The strategy that was determined is to identify those publications and users that are viralizing campaigns against vaccines and, subsequently, limit that type of publications so that, instead, Facebook offers links to the official pages of organizations such as WHO containing detailed, real and error-free information.
Big Data to prevent suicides
Finally, the company has developed, through Big Data, Artificial Intelligence to detect potential cases of suicide and be a support for those who are going through difficult times in their lives.
The programmed algorithms are able to detect words and phrases that allude to severe depressive states, to automatically send messages of support to the user and offer a catalog of specialists so that they can take therapy and treat their problems.
In conclusion, the sum of all these facilities, contributes to the progress of an effective and real-time methodology whose goal is to prevent diseases in time to avoid them or, failing that, to have the necessary tools for their treatment.