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Postgraduate courses in Digital Health and related topics in Latin America

The offer of postgraduate courses in areas related to Digital Health has grown considerably in recent years.

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Learn about the educational offer in Latin America:

Learn about the educational offer outside of Latin America:

United Kingdom

University of Oxford: Master of Science in Applied Digital Health (Face-to-face)
University of Bristol: Master of Science Digital Health (Face-to-face)
University College London: Master of Science Digital Health and Entrepreneurship (Face-to-face)
University of Lancashire: Master of Science Digital Health


Hasso Plattner Institute: Master of Science in Digital Health
Deggendorf Institute of Technology: Master of Science Digital Health


University Master's Degree in Digital Health (eHealth) - Open University of Catalonia
For postgraduate courses: EuroInnova Master in Digital Health
Barcelona Technology School: Master in Digital Healthcare

United States

Icahn School of Medicine: Master of Science in Biomedical Data Science


Programa de Alfabetización Digital de la OPS

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Train human resources with creative and transformative capacities to intervene in the country's health situation.

Train high-level Public Health Researchers, who contribute new experiences and knowledge in the local, regional and national context.

Strengthen the skills of undergraduate and postgraduate academic teaching, in order to contribute to the development of educational institutions at a higher level that require the work of public health professionals.

Achieve reproductive health experts, in order to serve as advisors, academic consultants and researchers who contribute to improving the quality of life of the population.

Modality: asynchronous online.


      • epidemiology.
      • strategic approach.
      • management.
      • investigation methodology.
      • Project design.
      • project promotion.

Duration: 1 year.

Get to know the complete program: ANCED


It analyzes the new public-private relationship criteria, which may be necessary in the framework of the new globalized assistance, emphasizing clinical ethics and communication as a new paradigm to be taken into account in the social and health gear.

Students update the new concepts of health services management towards which the 21st century evolves in the European Union and Latin America. Students develop models for problem solving and decision making based on the case studies presented.

Modality: synchronous online.

Cost: $ 54,268 per month.


      • Ethics.
      • Bioethics.
      • Direction, administration, management, resources, journalism and law.

Duration: weekly for 8 weeks.

Get to know the complete program: Emagister

Identify the main dimensions and factors that should be the object of public health care.

The course studies the new ways of life in today's society and how they are producing unhealthy behaviors and behaviors: inadequate eating habits, tobacco and alcohol consumption, and lack of physical activity.

Modality: remote synchronous and asynchronous.

Cost: $1,665.


      • Genesis of education for public health.
      • Sense and anthropological dimension.
      • The epidemiological method.
      • Training for the prevention of communicable diseases.
      • Environmental health and prevention of hospital diseases.
      • Food education.
      • Prevention and treatment of drug addiction.

Duration: 220 hours.

Get to know the complete program: Educaedu

The courses are online in the asynchronous platform that allows the work in the same way with sessions in real time. In addition to professional practices in public health (community work) that are carried out individually.

This program aims to train professionals capable of designing, executing, and evaluating public health actions and programs based on the analysis of health determinants; the biological, social, environmental and health systems fields to improve the quality of life of the population.

Modality: asynchronous and synchronous online.

Cost: $ 120,617 / 12,151 dollars for foreigners.


      • Health systems and policies.
      • Environment and public health.
      • Epidemiology and biostatistics.
      • Information systems for decision making.
      • Comprehensive diagnosis of population health.
      • Management and innovation, protection against health risks.

Duration: 2 ½ years.

Get to know the complete program: ESPM

Develop managerial and directive skills in order to use the administrative process of human, material and financial resources in the health industry.

Thus, adequate administrative strategies will be established for management and control in any health care organization.

Modality: remote asynchronous.

Cost: $5,000 per month.


      • Marketing and communication in health.
      • Analysis and epidemiological surveillance systems.
      • Legal framework of the national health system.
      • Health entities.
      • Health finance.
      • Human resources in health.
      • Administration of hospital infrastructure.

Duration: quarterly for 2 years and 4 months.

Get to know the complete program: UVM

The teacher will have the ability to apply administrative, accounting, marketing, financial and management knowledge to increase the potential of the staff under his command.

It will efficiently manage resources by integrating the competitive advantages offered by technological innovations in the field of health.

It will identify the processes of conservation and maintenance of infrastructure and facilities of health institutions.

You will develop leadership and innovation skills that allow you to improve the quality of services in the health sector with an ethical and social responsibility vision.

Modality: virtual asynchronous.


      • Innovative technological means in virtual environments.
      • Accounting processes in health institutions.
      • Effective communication and negotiation techniques.
      • Maintenance administration.
      • Financial strategies in service management.

Get to know the complete program: UIS

It aims to train teachers in Administration, Finance and Auditing who will work as directors and/or consultants who participate in the management of companies and in the optimal management of their resources, as well as in the approach and solution of their problems.

Get to know the complete program: UNAM

This program aims to train professionals capable of designing, executing and evaluating public health actions and programs based on the analysis of health determinants and the biological, social, environmental and health systems fields in order to improve health. of the population.

The courses are online on the asynchronous platform that allows the work in the same way. Through sessions in real time through the synchronous platform.

Cost: $ 120,617 or 12,151 dollars for foreigners.

Duration: 2 ½ years.

Get to know the complete program: ESPM

Promotes collaboration and cooperation to enrich the training of people. Thus, it guarantees a process that provides effective results in relation to the educational investment assumed, versus the return in knowledge formation and personal and organizational learning. The educational model is made up of educational and pedagogical innovations that facilitate, enhance and promote a training process in a highly efficient learning environment.

The program allows students to take courses and carry out doctoral research work within one of the lines of research offered following a tailor-made study program in distance mode. In this way, the doctoral student carries out an advanced postgraduate study adapted to their pace and work style.

Modality: remote asynchronous.


      • Statistics of the health sciences.
      • Epidemiology, biostatistics, bioethics.
      • Social determinants of public health.
      • International politics and global health

Duration: monthly for 3 and a half years.

Get to know the complete program: FUNIBER

Direct institutions, programs and health services, identifying the needs, components and organizational objectives for the development of an optimal health service. Exercise leadership from the perspective of business ethics and social responsibility, emphasizing the promotion and defense of the dignity of the person. Analyze and interpret information from health services, programs and institutions, taking into account available biostatistical and epidemiological methodologies and models.

Direct administrative practices and processes in public and private institutions. It aims to meet the organizational objectives of the field of health and well-being, from an ethical perspective and for the benefit of the people who make up each institution.

Modality: asynchronous online.


      • Corporate wellness and health.
      • Business accounting.
      • Health economics.
      • Direction and leadership.
      • Statistics.
      • Business ethics.
      • Corporate finance.
      • Human capital management.
      • Marketing.

Duration: 1 year and 5 months.

Get to know the complete program: Anahuac University

Aimed at all health professionals who develop their daily practice in favor of prolonging the life of the population and promoting physical health through organized community efforts. The agenda covers topics ranging from the methodology of epidemiological measurements, to the approach of the main diseases that impact populations, through the promotion of hygiene habits and the development of human potential.

All topics are presented by specialists with outstanding experience in research and professional practice related to Public Health.

Get to know the complete program: EDUCAEDU

It trains professionals capable of generating objective diagnoses and analytical evaluations through specific methods, in order to support decision-making in the selection, design and implementation of strategies appropriate to the managerial environment in the health sector.

Make strategic decisions that help improve health services. Contribute to the creation of high quality and competitive health organizations to provide benefits to users.

Design and apply health information systems that allow the object to influence the formulation of policies, actions and research. Strategically apply theoretical-methodological and technological aspects that seek the welfare and improvement of the quality of life of the population.

Get to know the complete program: UTEL

All accepted students will have a scholarship of excellence from the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT) since it is accredited in the National Quality Postgraduate Program, with a duration of 2 years and requires a full-time dedication (exclusive ).

The virtual modality, is 100% online, has a duration of 2 years of subjects, 2.5 years to graduate.

Modality: asynchronous virtual 100%.

Cost: $5,000 per month.


      • Social determinants, ethics and human rights.
      • Environment and public health.
      • Biostatistics.
      • behaviors and environments.
      • Epidemiology.

Duration: monthly for 2 years.

Get to know the complete program: PAHO

It trains teachers with a broad social commitment, highly trained in interdisciplinary areas for decision-making, trained to assume managerial positions in hospital management or in pharmaceutical services, within public and private sector organizations.

It guarantees the ability to plan, control and direct administrative processes and projects, through the application of models, standards, techniques and tools of health services.

Modality: 100% is worked on online, through a personalized portal where the student will find the work plan to be developed for each subject


      • Quality in health service.
      • Human capital management.
      • Financial analysis.
      • Health economics.
      • Strategic marketing.
      • Project management and control.
      • Administration of hospitals and services.

Duration: quarterly lasts between a year and a year and a half.

Get to know the complete program: UDLAP

Train health professionals who are experts in decision-making, strategic management and administration of health services in public or private institutions through the development of managerial and leadership skills that allow them to create an environment of competitiveness and continuous improvement.

Apply the quality models that best adapt to the specific needs of health service institutions. Design the most efficient techniques in quality management, resource management and productivity.

Exercise the managerial skills developed during the master's studies for decision making. Develop projects that allow the financing of health programs. Analyze internal and external factors to health systems to present projected solutions to the solution of real problems.

Modality: asynchronous online.


      • Leadership.
      • Ethics and responsibility.
      • Analysis of national health systems.
      • Competitiveness and continuous improvement.
      • Effective communication and negotiation techniques.
      • Financial strategies.
      • Marketing.
      • Emergency nursing and pharmacy services.
      • Ergonomics.
      • Hygiene and safety.

Duration: bimonthly / 1 year 4 months.

Get to know the complete program: ISU


Modality: online

Get to know the complete program: Virtual CES


Aimed at health professionals who work in Management, or Management professionals who work in Health, who hold or wish to hold managerial, managerial, executive or high-level advisory positions in health institutions, organizations and companies in the public sector and who need to optimize their management, develop and/or enhance their leadership and convert their organization into a more efficient unit.

Modality: synchronous online.

Curriculum: 3 diplomas and a thesis.

Duration: 63 weeks / 12 hours per week.

Get to know the complete program: A B

It accepts the recommendations made by the Association of Schools of Public Health in the United States (ASPH) and considers the strengths of the 7 best Public Health training programs in the world.

It provides the tools and skills to face Public Health problems with a global perspective, considering the different realities in the design of solutions.

Modality: asynchronous online.

Cost: 36 payments of $192, 427 with the possibility of a scholarship.

Curriculum: epidemiology and management.

Duration: 63 weeks.

Get to know the complete program: A B

Development of an individual capacity to design, conduct, analyze and disseminate clinical and epidemiological research that responds to a priority health problem essentially in the student's place of origin.

The graduate will have an appropriate knowledge of Clinical Epidemiology and a solid background in the design, conduct, analysis and dissemination of clinical and epidemiological research in different areas of health, in addition to social sciences, economics, research ethics and Management for the Health. Is capable of generating, evaluating and using health evidence and conducting relevant, priority and quality research for use in local and regional health decision-making, with skills in health technology assessment, health prioritization and risk management. Projects.

The Clinical Epidemiologist graduate is characterized by his ethical attitude towards research, with the ability to work in a multidisciplinary team, critical of his work and his environment and with skills in self-learning and continuing education, which is evidenced in the capacity for innovation in their professional work and undertaking new challenges.

Modality: remote asynchronous.


      • clinical epidemiology.
      • Biostatistics.
      • Clinical research.
      • Measurement and social sciences, health economics.
      • Management for health.

Duration: 3 years.

Get to know the complete program: UFRO

Training of doctors who, in the context of multidisciplinary research teams and highly connected to the health system, are capable of generating high-impact scientific knowledge and creating innovative solutions to relevant health problems. Thanks to the skills and attitudes developed, they are able to positively impact the environments in which they work, academics and the public sector.

Modality: remote asynchronous.


      • Bioethics.
      • Biostatistics.
      • Cellular and molecular biology.
      • Biomedicine.
      • Genetics and genomics.
      • Epidemiology and communication skills.

Duration: annually for 4 years.

Get to know the complete program: UDD

Understand the domain of ICT in Health, its characteristics, the field of applications and the lines of current evolution. Know the discipline of biomedical informatics, its relationship with medicine since its origins, its taxonomy as a scientific discipline, its current status and a clinical perspective of its future.

Learn how organizations and professionals in the health sector use ICT for their activity, their needs and the prospects for change. Know how citizens and patients interact with ICT services and applications, their requirements and development potential

Lead and participate in the conception, development, implementation and management of ICT products and services for Health. Advise on the use and application of innovative ICT in health organizations. Know the structure of the ICT for Health market.

Analyze health systems and services to identify needs and establish requirements for ICT applications for health. Plan the development and implementation of health information systems.

Promote the acquisition of skills and abilities to manage ICT in public and private health administrations and institutions.

Design business models in ICT for health. Its objective is to respond to the need for professionals specialized in the managerial management of ICT in Health both in the public and private spheres, as well as companies that provide technological solutions with capacities for the organization, planning, management and supervision of complex ICT organizations and projects, critical analysis and decision making.

Modality: asynchronous online.

Cost: €6,500


      • public health system.
      • electronic medical record and interoperability.
      • impact on patients and institutions.
      • digital transformation.
      • economy and digital health.
      • AI.
      • Big data.
      • marketing focused on health systems.
      • computer and information security, business management.

Duration: monthly for 10 months.

Get to know the complete program: OBS

The Master's Degree in Digital Health Management at OBS Business School was born with the aim of responding to the need for professionals specialized in the managerial management of ICT in Health, both in the public and private spheres, as well as in companies that provide solutions. technological with capacities for the organization, planning, management and supervision of organizations and complex ICT projects, critical analysis and decision making.

Understand the domain of ICT in Health, its characteristics, the field of applications and the lines of current evolution. Know the discipline of biomedical informatics, its relationship with medicine since its origins, its taxonomy as a scientific discipline, its current status and a clinical perspective of its future. Learn how organizations and professionals in the health sector use ICT for their activity, their needs and the prospects for change.

Learn how citizens and patients interact with ICT services and applications, their requirements and development potential. Lead and participate in the conception, development, implementation and management of ICT products and services for Health.

Advise on the use and application of innovative ICT in health organizations. Know the structure of the ICT for Health market.

Modality: asynchronous online.

Cost: 7,200 euros.


      • Electronic Medical Record and Interoperability.
      • Impact on the provision of healthcare services.
      • Impact on the Patient.
      • Impact on research: Big Data, AI and ML.
      • digital transformation
      • Economy and Digital Health.
      • Digital marketing applied to health systems.
      • Computer and information security.
      • Managerial management of ICT in health.

Duration: 10 months.

Get to know the complete program: OBS

The objective becomes to know the main digital resources and their influence on health professionals and institutions, training them in the management of digital resources aimed at the Creation and Dissemination of information.

Modality: asynchronous online

Cost: scholarship option.


      • Digital health in the knowledge society.
      • Healthcare practice in the digital age.
      • Search for information in digital health.
      • Dissemination and communication.

Get to know the complete program: SALUSPLAY


It teaches the essential principles of Epidemiology, its central aspects, its present and future. It lays the groundwork for critical and systematic analysis of the role of health care services, with special emphasis on the administrative aspects of these activities. In this way, it inserts Epidemiology in the framework of organizational management and highlights its contribution to organizational intelligence.

  • Deepen the teaching of the essential principles and practices of Epidemiology, definitions, central aspects. The present and future for the critical and systematic analysis of the function of health care services, with special orientation towards the administrative aspects of the discipline.
  • Develop the fundamental concepts of Epidemiological Research in Health Care Organizations, highlighting to what extent it is used in organizational intelligence.
  • Generate research programs in Epidemiology and apply Epidemiological reasoning to reach the scientific level that advances in technology, progress in medicine, and health administration demand today.

Modality: synchronous and asynchronous online.

Cost: 25,700 Argentine pesos or 1,250 US dollars.


      • History and chronicle of epidemiology.
      • Seminal areas of epidemiological knowledge in modern health services.
      • Practical epidemiology applied to health services.
      • Epidemiology as the main instrument for local and community decision-making.
      • Classical designs in epidemiological research I.
      • Classical designs in epidemiological research II.
      • Means, methods and epidemiological instruments.
      • Endemics and epidemics.
      • Study of epidemic outbreaks in the community.

Duration: monthly for 6 months

Get to know the complete program: SCEU

CAECE University offers students postgraduate programs that can be studied at a distance through tools such as e-learning and videoconferencing, establishing a global village.

Among the objectives of this program is that the student is able to carry out an in-depth study on the mission of Public Health, its essential functions and the elements that constitute the hospital environment, their interaction and consider the influence they will have on the Planning Strategic.

Modality: remote asynchronous.


      • Public health in Latin America and the current context of the health system.
      • Strategic planning, General Concepts and Quality Bread, National Quality Awards
      • Duration: 5 months covering a total of 520 hours.

Get to know the complete program: educaedu

Latin America

Digital Campus

The International Master in Public Health and Health Management consists of 725 academic hours. 100% is done online and its diploma is endorsed by International Organizations.

It is organized and coordinated by the International Institute of Global Studies for Human Development, Spain and the European Union.

  • Modality: remote asynchronous.
  • Cost: 1 payment of $650 or 4 monthly payments of $180.
  • Study Plan: 4 theoretical blocks, 5 practical blocks and a final project to accredit.
  • Duration: a complete course of 8 months.

Get to know the complete program: