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Telemedicine will take greater importance after COVID-19 pandemic

Nowadays, more than half of the world's population has access to the Internet, following the situation in the world this year, the internet has become crucial for information dissemination and to keep in touch.

Following the global emergency due to the COVID-19 outbreak and mandatory or voluntary lockdown imposed or recommended by the world's governments, methods such as tele-education and distance education, as well as medical teleconsulting, have become more important.

In the United States, the country with the highest number of COVID-19-confirmed contagions was conducted on the importance of Digital Health and Telemedicine.

According to one of its questions about whether adults feel comfortable communicating with their doctor through the phone or the internet, there was a nearly 10% increase between November 2019 and April 2020, as in November 65% said that they do feel comfortable and in April 2020 after the pandemic, it rose to 74%.

Also, in the US, companies that offer virtual health services, registered increases of up to 50% in the use of their platforms, and even a Minneapolis-based company reported an increase in visits to their platform 36 times greater than the previous month.

However, beyond telemedicine has been key for patients infected with non-serious COVID-19 to receive medical advice and recommendations remotely during their isolation and recovery, it also has through remote consultations a scope that has not been massively enhanced through remote consultations.

However, beyond the fact that telemedicine has been key for non-severely infected patients with COVID-19 to receive medical advice and recommendations remotely during their isolation and recovery, it also has a reach through remote consultations that until now It hasn't been massively boosted. 

That is why due to COVID-19, telemedicine and telehealth services and providers become more relevant within the population and are able to position themselves as a real choice among the population.

Telemedicine has the ability to respond quickly and effectively in emergencies such as the one we live with the pandemic; this means new challenges such as digital education for citizens and health personnel to adapt to the new technologies available.

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