The process of digitizing services at the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), continues. Through Mi Pension Digital IMSS, created in August 2019, more than 300,000 procedures have been attended through digital tools.
My Digital Pension, part of the strategy of digitization of IMSS services, this program was created in August 2019, and to date more than 365 thousand procedures have been carried out through this digital medium. My Digital Pension, provides greater accessibility to the rights-holders to initiate the withdrawal procedures through the internet.

José Méndez Santa Cruz, holder of the Economic Benefits and Health at Work unit, IMSS, explained: My Digital Pension integrates more validation connections automatically within the institutional systems themselves as with external institutions on a single platform."
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic this tool has increased its use among the population 60 years and older. Since most of the procedure can be done online, until the final step that requires a single visit directly in some IMSS sub-delegation. "The user must go to the Economic Benefits window of his Family Medicine Unit (UMF) or sub-delegation to submit the documentation and sign the pension application. This way you'll get your resolution and know the payment date," Santa Cruz explained.
In addition to this type of service, IMSS has integrated several services into its IMSS Digital platform. Santa Cruz, explained that IMSS's digitalization strategy through My Digital Pension seeks to include other pension services by 2021, including accident or illness pensions, for widowhood, orphanhood and ascendants.
In the following link the user was able to start his pension process: