The Regional Directorate of the Department of Ayacucho, Peru, opened the Ayacucho Telehealth service, which seeks to benefit more than 500,000 people in the region. In addition, it will be connected to the other 270 medical centers and hospitals that are part of the network.
Health Directorate (DIRESA), inaugurated the new service center of Telesalud Ayacucho, which is intended to benefit more than 500,000 people across the department through the connectivity with other health centers, to provide remote consultations and remote care.
Elvyn Díaz Tello, head of the DIRESA, explained that: “with this initiative we are bringing health services even closer to the population through the benefits of information and communication technologies. Now we reach this stage of technological level that will help a lot to the diagnosis and possible cures of cases of high difficulty”.
“Thanks to the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), patients will have access to remote medical services in a timely manner and with the specialties they require. For example, they will be able to connect with specialists at Hospital 2 de Mayo or Hospital Cayetano de Heredia in Lima, two of the most important medical centers in the country. In addition, they are interconnected in the National Telehealth Network that now has 270 hospitals.
“The gap of specialists is big, but our sector implements this strategy to attend the population. Our recognition to the work team for making this work possible,” mentioned the head of DIRESA. Likewise, the Regional Manager of Social Development, Lorena Hermoza Sotomayor, mentioned that the tele-health unit will allow us to reach vulnerable groups and provide comprehensive health care.

The unit was equipped with three units for videoconferences, which includes computer equipment, two special rooms for virtual meetings, televisions and a videoconference room.