HIMSS Latin America organized a weekly web to disseminate the work and digital health strategy implemented by the Uruguayan government.
The virtual meeting was attended by Salud.uy authorities to showcase advances and challenges in their health strategy through digital health. On behalf of the HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society), Dr. Mariano Groioso moderated, who works as an advisor in HIMSS Latin America, on behalf of Salud.uy, participated Pablo Orefice, director of Salud.uy and Dra. Rosario Berterretche, medical coordinator also at Salud.uy.
Salud.uy is an initiative created in 2012 by the Presidency of the Republic, the Ministry of Public Health (MSP), the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) and the Agency for Electronic Governance and Information and Knowledge Society (Agesic). The objective of Salud.uy is to promote the intensive use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the health sector and the way to improve quality and continuity of care.

During the COVID-19 outbreak in Uruguay, Salud.uy has developed a virtual web assistant, call center, health maps on the current COVID-19 situation, digital border declaration and a confirmed and suspicious case monitoring program.
Mauricio Bouza, Coordinator of National Electronic Clinical History in Salud.uy, presented on the national digital health strategy to COVID-19, and how the development of the action plan was in a very short period of time in which an immediate response was required. In addition, they highlighted the collaboration between the public and private sectors and the correct management of the information and data available.
The following link includes all Salud.uy initiatives, updated until April 2020, include the 18 active projects, including National Electronic Clinical History, Oncological Electronic Clinical History, National Drug Dictionary, My Digital Medical History, Digital Recipe https://www.gub.uy/agencia-gobierno-electronico-sociedad-informacion-conocimiento/politicas-y-gestion/proyectos/iniciativas-de-saluduy
During the panel “Accelerating the adoption of telehealth as a result of the new normal" participants welcomed the adoption of telemedicine. Esteban Aliaga of the British Hospital in Montevideo commented that “the pandemic demonstrated that technologies are available, trained physicians and users eager.” Jorge Abin of Medica Uruguay, presented the results of a survey of 40 doctors, which showed that 45% of respondents have a positive impression of telemedicine, and only 13% of it perceives it as negative. “This means that the pandemic accelerated the adoption process, not only by service providers, but also by the medical body,” Abin explained.
On the other hand, MSP Undersecretary José Luis Satdijan highlighted the importance of three aspects that were key to containing COVID-19's progress in the country:
- Close borders: It was defined to suspend face-to-face classes, temporarily close shopping malls and motivate remote work.
- The intrinsic characteristics of Uruguay: area, population density, a public mutual health system, home health care services and a national internet connection network.
- Responsible freedom: society as a whole worked together so that mandatory isolation measures were not necessary.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Uruguayan government has developed a comprehensive strategy that will facilitate collaboration among decision-makers. Uruguay (as of 28 October) currently has 2,000,916 contagions and 54 COVID-19 deaths.