Through the Corfo (Production Promotion Corporation) and its Digital Transformation Committee, COLABORATECH has made a call to seek collective solutions to the challenges Chile faces in the current situation to create Digital Health initiatives.
Two of the biggest challenges that seek to solve are the design and development of mechanical ventilation equipment, and the design and development of telemetry of mechanical ventilators for ICU. The announcement closed on April 4th and is in selection process to choose the best alternative.
Among the challenges posed by public organizations are the following:
- Protective Elements for COVID-19 health personnel, who seek to develop locally protective elements for health personnel, such as masks, face shields, and personal protective elements.
- Survey of diagnostic technologies for COVID-19 and other viral pathogens, which aim to find technologies for the diagnostic process, in stages of development or escalation, for COVID-19 and other viral pathogens

As for the challenges proposed by private organizations are:
- HackCovid Chilethat seeks to generate solutions and spaces for vulnerable older adults during social isolation and to create spaces for SMEs affected by isolation measures so they can sell again.
- Development of full-face masks to avoid contagion to health professionals, which consists of developing the masks using the manufacturing capacity of a private sector company.
- Design and development of a mechanical breathing equipment using Ambú powered by electronic control mechanism, which tries to build and validate low-cost mechanical fan prototypes with a sense of urgency, which allow its subsequent production.
- Design and development of Telemetry of Mechanical Ventilator for ICU, and build and verify telemetry low cost prototypes (sense of urgency), that allows their subsequent production.
In addition, there are another section of challenges that are not associated with COLABORATECH, but they will also be promoted.
The challenges will be updated during the health emergency and seek to achieve innovations and build ties with new partners for the development of public health and Digital Health in Chile.
The calls and challenges can be found here: