The Digital Hospital project was created in 2018 and this year has become more important due to the emergency by COVID-19.
Due to the national emergency by COVID-19 the Digital Hospital has implemented new strategies to provide the necessary information about the current situation.
They created a network to guide medical staff in the management of the pandemic, additionally clinical teams were established to support health and administrative staff in hospitals.
The Hospital Network is focused on training the clinical teams of the 15 hospitals that are part of the project. María Antonieta Matas, a member of the Digital Hospital and the Health Service of O'Higgins, explained that "We are working in coordination with the teams to quickly download all the information that the Ministry of Health deploys, through the Department of Digital Health and reach the health professionals, since we know we have been learning from COVID-19 on the go and from the experience of other countries that are living the same".
In addition, in response to the emergency, the National Telehealth Program is implementing remote orientation programs that are focused on providing consultations and medical guidance to beneficiaries during the emergency.

In this way, the aim is to attend to the main risk groups: patients with chronic non-communicable diseases.