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Honduras uses information systems to fight malaria

Honduras implemented a data capture system to take concrete action against malaria.

Honduras was awarded the "Champions Malaria in the Americas 2019" award from the Pan American Health Organization given to countries implementing actions against malaria.

Honduras underlined the importance of timely data capture to manage the required decisions, something they achieved using District Health Information Software 2 (DHIS2), an open source health management information system.

That platform was used to unify different topics in order to achieve an Integrated Health Information System (SIIS), developed by the Unit Information Management (UGI), of the Health Secretariat which function was the quality information management in health sector and their evaluation.

The implementation of the module malaria based on DHIS2 has been carried out in endemic areas of the disease, such as Gracias a Dios, Isla de la Bahía y Colon in which has used both devices and computers

Carlos Miguel Herrera Sierra UGI coordinator highlighted the main challenges for Honduras about this topic.


  • Domestic investment to ensure sustainability and maintenance over time.
  • Learning from the lessons in the implementation process at various levels.
  • Continue strengthening human resources in digital transformation.
  • Work in coordination with other countries to strengthen the exchange of electronic information cases, especially in the case of Nicaragua.


In short Honduras experience in the new technology implementation in health services has left a positive image.

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