The SSa presented at the daily COVID-19 conference a chatbot optimized for WhatsApp that automatically provides information to users.
Through a WhatsApp message at +52 1 55 8633 8589, people will be able to receive up-to-date information about COVID-19. When sending the message "Menu", the chatbot will send the nine available information options, numbered from 0 to 9. When sending a message with one of these numbers the chatbot will provide the indicated information.
When sending a message with a "0" that corresponds to a COVID-19 risk test, the chatbot will prompt several questions to make a simple symptom diagnosis; "1" corresponds to "What is COVID-19 and how is it transmitted?"; "2" answers the question "What are the symptoms of COVID-19?"; "3" corresponds to the question "What should I do if I or someone in my family has any symptoms of COVID-19?"; "4" provides information on basic prevention measures; "5" corresponds to frequently asked questions, "6" gives recommendations to travelers; "7" sends the link to view the latest case report; Finally the number "8" corresponds to the option to share the chatbot with your contacts.

For its development, the Coordination of National Digital Strategy of the Republic’s Presidency, the General Directorate for Health Promotion and the General Directorate of Information Technologies of SSa worked in conjunction with the Facebook Mexico team.
The SSa detailed that the information is kept up-to-date as the days go by and is available 24 hours a day during the seven days of the week. In this way the SSa seeks to establish an immediate contact with the citizens in a simple way.