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Contest in Mexico seeks to create the best 5 prototypes to improve health services through Digital Health

The best 5 ideas taken from the announcement will be encouraged by Endeavor y Roche to create a prototype, seeking to strengthen the digital infrastructure of public health services in Mexico.

The business accelerator Endeavor and the pharmaceutical Roche, join efforts to launch Health Tech Builder Lab, a contest that looks for the best entrepreneurs in Digital Health in Mexico. Solutions presented should generate a positive impact within the society solving specific problems.

One of the main goals is to potentiate Mexican talent to transform the industry and place the country as a spearhead in innovation markets in technology for eHealth.

To accomplish such objective, 5 winners will be selected, they will be given a period of 4 months in which they should create a prototype for the solution proposed supported by a team of experts that Roche will have at their disposal to work exclusively in its development. At the same time they will have the support and guidance of experts of Endeavor network. This network has a wide variety of topics that could be of interest and need in the creation stage.

Through this kind of innovations, the purpose is to create alliances in the private and public sector, given the fact that in Mexico 95% of the population uses public health services. This adds up more than 110 million Mexicans, that, for the time being have certain deficiencies because of the inefficient attention in some health centers and lack of integration to health system.

The announcement will be available for the users to enroll and participate between the 6th and the 23rd of August 2019. Selection criteria are the following:

The announcement will be available for the users to enroll and participate between the 6th and the 23rd of August 2019. Selection criteria are the following:
  • The entrepreneur can be Mexican or foreign
  • He/she should have motivation, compromise and be persistent.
  • Learning ability and willingness to receive feedback.
  • The company should have two or more years of operation with a proven model.
  • It is desirable that he/she has experience in technology such as artificial intelligence, blockchain o big data.

HealthTech Builder Lab objective is not only to transform the industry through talent, it seeks to promote this prototype thought out Latinamerica and worldwide. We will be looking out for the results.

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