Different health professionals and academic institutions join in the path of seeking a better quality in the preparation of professionals who provide health-related services.
The National Center for Information and Health Systems (CENS from its name in Spanish)a consortium made up of several universities in Chile, presented the Reference Model of Competencies in Information and Health Systems.. This model seeks to identify, concentrate and disseminate the knowledge and new technologies that can contribute to the growth and development of the national health sector.

The initiative is quite complete and consists on detecting patterns and behaviors that allow the identification of skills and attitudes that are directly related to the area of Health Information Technologies, thus improving the quality of services provided by experts.
With this model, the intention is to guide the sector so that there is a better design in its programs and therefore better health services are offered, which are of greater value and quality for its users.
The Model is constituted by:
- 2 areas: Health and Technology Transformation
- 8 domains of work performance
- 32 competitions in total
- Legal and ethical aspects are included in a transversal way
The objective is to establish a standard for the training of health professionals, which can be replicated initially in multiple regions of the country and then on a larger scale. The greatest expectation is that the model supports the experts in the fulfillment of their daily work, and offers them greater growth to achieve better work and development of opportunities.
With the approval of more than 40 academic representatives and 24 institutions, both public and private, the model seeks to strengthen the knowledge and skills of those who offer these services.

If you want to know more about the reference model of competencies, click here: