Through Te Cuido a program for the application of Telehealth services in the Department of Caldas, this kind of services have been increased during the pandemic.
The Territorial Health Directorate of Caldas in conjunction with the Governor of Caldas Luis Velásquez Cardona, announced that it will begin remote care for older adults in Centros Día Centers, Centros Vida and Protection Centers.
With this action they hope to benefit the adult population of the 27 municipalities of the department, by providing specialties in psychology, psychiatry, general medicine, internal medicine, geriatrics and neurology. The main objective is to offer complete services in the medical specialties that adults from distant populations need.
Through the program Te cuido, promoted after the COVID-19 health emergency by the University of Caldas (UdeC), the department of Telehealth, the Government of Caldas and the Territorial Directorate of Health, have provided more than 138 thousand attentions through teleconsultation and telemedicine services, in specialties such as general medicine, psychology, among others.

This program has fulfilled its function in providing attention in different medical specialties through the use of telemedicine to remote populations, located more than 100 km from specialized health centers in Manizales. The difficulty in transfers, coupled with social estrangement and quarantine measures, have driven the success of the project.
In addition, they are currently working on the development of a platform for the visualization and management of ambulances in the department, as well as a tool that allows to accurately measure the availability of Intensive Care Units.
Despite the current health emergency, both the UdeC and the Caldas Government have developed specific lines of action to provide remote health services and reduce the likelihood of contagion by preventing travel to health facilities.