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They announce digital platform that seeks to prevent chronic diseases

This platform, made up of several mobile applications, seeks to turn Digital Health around by proposing a reward system that benefits users who keep track and maintain a healthy history during their check-ups.

LifeOmica technology company dedicated to developing applications that allow users to make informed decisions based on their health and communicate with appropriate professionals, announced that a new platform called LIFEExtend will be added to its mobile application portfolio, which, thanks to its functions and technological advances unprecedented in the health technology industry, promises to help users detect and prevent chronic conditions and diseases associated with aging.

These advances can even analyze genetic components of a patient and, through an exchange of data, detect pathological predispositions that may occur.

Users, when filling out a profile, store relevant information, such as medical records, conditions, allergies, results of studies or treatments to which they have undergone. LIFE Extend can monitor the user's physical activity, diet and habits and, thus, it will be much easier to determine the health status of a "standard" patient. Once the application has explored the patient's profile and health status, through Artificial Intelligence you can offer a personalized consultation.

In addition, there’s a rewards system, where the user can accumulate and exchange their records for certain benefits, this promotes a more dynamic interaction between the user and the application. The point system represents certain incentives for users to be rewarded for meeting specific healthy goals.

The LIFE family plan goes far beyond continuing to create applications within its own market. A collaboration with a laboratory company has also been announced, which will allow the exchange of information on results from studies conducted on the patient in a quick and clear way for immediate analysis.

CDC studies reveal that 60% of people living in the United States suffer from a chronic illness, as a result of poor diet, sedentary life and alcohol abuse.


Today, thousands of technological advances are changing the way in which the world of medicine relates to its patients. The Digital Age has managed for information to reach the last corners of the world, thus ensuring that patients themselves seek to have a healthier lifestyle and habits from home, reducing the risk of falling into chronic diseases.

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