Seguro Social de Perú inicia plan piloto de Inteligencia Artificial para el manejo de diabetes
El Seguro Social de Salud del Perú (EsSalud) realizó una reunión de trabajo en el Centro Nacional de Telemedicina (CENATE) para implementar una app móvil
El Seguro Social de Salud del Perú (EsSalud) realizó una reunión de trabajo en el Centro Nacional de Telemedicina (CENATE) para implementar una app móvil
Los servicios de telemedicina en Perú realizaron más de 27 mil consultas a pacientes con obesidad y sobrepeso tan solo durante el primer semestre de
The Peruvian Ministry of Health (Minsa) provided new equipment to health units to strengthen telemedicine services in Lima. Services
Health authorities of Peru presented the Geospatial System of Integrated Health Networks (GeoRis) as part of the latest update of the Single National Repository
The telemedicine service of the Assistance Network in Tarapoto, Peru will start operating during the third week of July. The city of Tarapoto
The Hidalgo Health Secretariat (SSH) will train medical professionals in new digital technologies and tools such as telemedicine. The State Telemedicine Program
The Social Security of Peru (EsSalud) began a pilot test of teletriage and teleemergency services in the town of Chincha; seek to replicate it at the level
The Peruvian Ministry of Health (Minsa) announced a strategy to improve comprehensive mental health care. The Minsa strategy is standardization
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) conducted a study on the telemedicine frameworks of 26 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. The study of
The Social Health Insurance (EsSalud), signed an agreement with the National Penitentiary Institute of Peru (INP), to provide telemedicine services to the population