UNICEF created a data platform to consult information on the health of adolescents in countries around the world.
UNICEF created the adolescent health dashboard, an interactive platform to consult data on the health of adolescents in each country, as well as demographic indicators and contextual data. In total, the dashboard shows 43 indicators from 203 countries.
Likewise, it shows the national policies and plans on the health of young people, especially focused on non-communicable diseases. Likewise, it shows the current state of the laws that allow adolescents to access health services without their parents' consent, taxes on alcoholic and carbonated beverages, and free health services, such as mental health, HIV, contraceptives, vaccination, among others.
In another of the platform's tabs, information is displayed on the risk factors that determine the health of adolescents in each country, for example, data on nutrition, behavior, social interactions, education and learning.
The burden of disease is also present on the platform. Through data from the World Health Organization (WHO), diseases, estimated deaths, and statistics by age and sex are classified.
The information presented comes from data validated by the WHO, the United Nations Organization, UNICEF itself and other related international organizations and programs.
In addition, the data is downloadable, the user can browse the platform, choose the data that interests him and download it in different formats, be it image, PowerPoint, PDF, among others.
Browse through the health data and learn more about this important UNICEF initiative at the following link: https://data.unicef.org/resources/adolescent-health-dashboards-country-profiles/