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PAHO uses digital platform to monitor congenital sexually transmitted diseases

The Latin American Center for Perinatology (CLAP) of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) gave a virtual seminar on the SIP Plus platform for monitoring congenital syphilis.

In addition to PAHO and CLAP, the Unit for HIV, Hepatitis, Tuberculosis and Sexually Transmitted Infections (HT/CDE) and Women's and Reproductive Health (SMR) also participated. The objective of the seminar was to share experiences using the SIP Plus software for the monitoring and elimination of congenital syphilis in the region.

For several years, various health organizations in the region have incorporated various tools for the elimination of congenital syphilis. One of these tools is SIP Plus, about which CLAP panelist Luis Mainero explained its functions and its potential for real-time monitoring of the disease and its possible link with various databases.

The SIP or Perinatology Computer System is a software for the registration of perinatal care from the first visit to the specialist. SIP Plus has tools for gynecology, obstetrics and neonatology services. Likewise, the SIP favors epidemiological research, facilitates communication between different levels of care, and serves as a database for planning medical care.

During the seminar, experiences were presented that addressed the importance of using the SIP Plus to analyze various health indicators, for example, officials from Paraguay and Trinidad and Tobago, countries that have successfully implemented the system, were presented.

Finally they made the invitation for the next virtual course on the elimination of congenital syphilis aimed at professionals at the first level of care, which will take place in August.

Learn more about SIP Plus at the following link:

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