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Mexicans win innovation award with telemedicine platform

A student and a former student of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Sonora Norte, participated in the Tópicos LATAM 2021 contest focused on the development of innovative projects.

The contest organized by Enactus Puerto Rico, brought together 32 teams from that country and Mexico. “The Topic Competition is a competitive event in which teams present their projects focused on one of the main areas of our Enactus evaluation criteria. This means that the teams expose their projects in one of the focus areas: Economic, Social, Environmental and Social Innovation”, explains its official site.

The winning project in the Social Innovation category was Unividoc, presented by Tec de Monterrey campus Sonora Norte student Luis Fernando Lugo Quiroga and former student Carlos Zenyi Gómez.

univodoc, is a telemedicine platform and a network of doctors who provide this type of service, and aims to simplify medical care and provide access to this service to Spanish-speakers in the United States, in addition to providing services in Mexico, Colombia and Argentina.

"The project was not intended to become a business and simply sought to serve the community, today Unividoc is one of the leading medical service platforms in the United States," Zenyi explained.

Lugo Quiroga explained how the process to participate in the Enactus competition was: "First we had to document our project to participate, fortunately we were candidates and then we were invited for a selection and to know who we competed against." The Unividoc team was selected to represent Mexico in the competition: "We were offered to participate in person in Puerto Rico, unfortunately we did not have the resources to go, but we competed virtually," he added.

By winning the innovation award they are creditors of financing, contact networks, mentoring with entrepreneurs and directors of companies and international organizations. In this way they will seek to extend their services to all of Latin America.

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