Digital technologies and solutions have been applied to improve the detection of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and improve family participation in the patient's treatment.
In recent years, various Digital Health tools have been created, especially to support people with autism. For example, software-based interventions, augmented reality devices, or robots to improve social interaction techniques.
However, despite the advances of these technological solutions, the scientific evidence is still not enough to determine that they generate a real benefit for autistic patients. Diverse studies have found the ineffectiveness of many digital tools for the care of patients with autism.
On the other hand, digital technologies designed to improve the services of service providers, such as monitoring platforms, telehealth and communication devices, have proven to be more effective.
Digital platforms, such as data collection and progress monitoring apps, are designed to reduce the burden associated with data collection, a critical component of evidence-based care. study published in 2019.
Telehealth, for its part, has great benefits in terms of accessibility to treatment and cost reduction. Thanks to remote technologies it is possible to provide care to autistic patients in rural communities.
In addition, thanks to new digital technologies, approaches have been developed for the identification of signs of neurodiversity from early childhood. A study published in The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, explore these solutions and their potential.

The study authors present a collaborative approach between parents and professionals. “We have tried in this model to combine the best ideas of how services for other health conditions are organized internationally, the best evidence in our field on the identification of neurodiversity and associated care, along with listening to what families and the autistic community says it needs”, they explain.
On the other hand, psychologist Sandra Bucci from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) explains that Digital Health technologies offer opportunities to facilitate care and provide personalized support to autistic children and their families. “This is already happening in other areas of mental health, and it is time to take advantage of digital tools to optimize the care of children and their families and clinical workflows in services”, he explains.
Learn more about autism spectrum disorder in the following links of the Carlos Slim Foundation and explore information resources such as videos, infographics and manuals:
You can also access the following questionnaire whose purpose is to evaluate the level of development of your son or daughter and thus be able to identify if there is any warning sign in relation to their development:
You can also consult the wide variety of materials developed by Ausitm Speaks, which contains information on the introduction to treatments, frequently asked questions and considerations about autism in children: