In the San Juan de Dios General Hospital located in Guatemala, a hospital management system (SGH) was implemented three years ago. They shared their experience at the RECAINSA Digital Health Forum.
Three years ago, the San Juan de Dios General Hospital, a public hospital belonging to the Guatemalan government, implemented a SGH, with the purpose of improving efficiency in patient care and in internal hospital processes. Before implementing the new system, explains Dr. Julia Elisa Niño, deputy technical director, the hospital had a very old system with many flaws, so it was necessary to update it. In this way, they implemented a SGH, which includes an electronic clinical record and a comprehensive information access system.
The introduction of new information systems for the benefit of patients and health professionals has achieved improvements in various areas of the hospital. “It has allowed us to test the Red Eyed platform in a very demanding environment with a massive amount of data and in a critical time system that has allowed us to collect a very important amount of information for statistics and the development of hospital indicators and epidemiological surveillance. in real time”, Viktor Amilkar Reyna, in charge of the SGH analysis, development and implementation team at the hospital.
Thanks to the application of the SGH in the hospital, a more efficient control of the electronic clinical file has been achieved, and the number of physical files has been reduced. Through this system it is possible to know details about each patient's visit to the hospital from the first consultation to the most recent, the doctors who have attended him, specialties and the treatment he has undergone.

The system has been useful for all hospital departments, for example, the epidemiology and statistics departments, which by having digitized data can streamline tasks and save resources.
Regarding having a system that integrates a large part of the aspects of the hospital for the generation of information, Amilkar Reyna explained the following: "It has allowed us to automate many processes, we have our X-ray laboratory, biological laboratories, and also other modules such as pathology, blood bank, and others. We even have parking, budget, purchases, we have all the modules in the same system, that gives us great fluidity when it comes to analyzing data and being able to mix variables from one module or others, to be able to analyze different metrics”.