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Diploma in Analytical Mind and Digital Health:

Tools for information-based decision making

Objetivo General

To provide tools that enable the use of information for the design of indicators and decision making at local, operational and managerial levels based on data analysis and critical thinking.

Objetivos Específicos

1. Contribuir a la toma de decisiones fortaleciendo las data interpretation and argument construction skills.

2. Fomentar la creative and analytical skills for the definition of goals, objectives and development of indicators.

3. Proporcionar herramientas para la search and analysis of data that allow transforming them into useful information for the evaluation and follow-up of goals and objectives.


The course is structured in 4 thematic axes that include 12 modules of problem-based learning where priority is given to: the development of critical thinking to address questions and solutions; the development of competencies in the search, analysis and interpretation of information, as well as the development of competencies for data processing and indicator design.

Modalidad Mixta

Revisión de contenidos a distancia

Cada persona podrá asignar sus tiempos para cursas el Diplomado, se recomienda dedicación al menos 1.5 horas diarias.

Sesiones guiadas remotas

Avales del Diplomado y Certificación

Guided remote sessions

Thematic focus



1. From approach to need    (Week 1)

To become aware of the way decisions are usually made and to recognize the need to think critically to evaluate, compare and contrast information before making decisions.

1.1 Process and objectives for data analysis
1.2 Meaningful information and information presentation
1.3 Critical thinking

2. From data to information (Week 2)

To know the main sources and how to access them. To understand the database structure, the types of variables and their characteristics. To know the fundamental concepts of statistics.

2.1 Main sources of health information.
2.2 Databases, types of data and generalities.
2.3 Statistics: basic notions

3. Analysis tools (Week 3)

Develop skills in the use of Microsoft Excel for data management and analysis.

3.1 Creation of tables, data filtering, conditional functions.
3.2 Graphic and dynamic tables elaboration

4. From information to measurement (Week 4)

Recognize the different types of indicators, their definition, interpretation and use in the local context.

4.1 Types of indicators. Classification according to their measurement and productive stage.
4.2 Health indicators.
4.3 Construction of indicators.

5. From information to decision making (Week 5)

Put into practice what has been learned for the solution of a specific need.

5.1 Case study presentation

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