MIDO INTEGRAL Enfermedades Crónicas
Maternal Health
Renal Health and Transplants
Learn Health
Continuing Professional Education
Palliative Care
Slim Initiative in Genomic Medicine
Descubrimiento de cientos de genes y variantes asociados al desarrollo de la diabetes, algunos tipos de cáncel y enfermedad renal.
Se han generado chips diagnósticos para detección de diabetes, diabetes gestacional y de alteraciones genómicas durante el embarazo para la población mexicana.
56 publicaciones científicas en revistas como Nature y Science
Apoyo a 35estancias de entrenamiento científico en el Broad Institute para investigadores mexicanos.
Chagas disease
A prototype of the vaccine is available and will soon be tested in humans.
Carlos Slim Health Awards
Global Health
Health Mesoamerica
Elimination of Onchocerciasis in the Americas
We contributed to the elimination of onchocerciasis in Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala and Mexico.
Trabajamos en la zona Yanomami, frontera entre Brasil y Venezuela, donde habitan más de 30 mil personas en riesgo.
Polio Eradication
Health Information
Your Health Manuals
Food and Nutrition
Agricultural Production and Food Security
CIMMYT is today the largest supplier of improved corn and wheat seeds in the world. They are distributed to producers in more than 100 countries.
HIM-Maize Atole
This formula was the basis for the nutritional component of Progresa (later Prospera) for the benefit of pregnant women and children under five years of age in the more than 6.2 million families served by the program.