Telehealth of the University of Caldas, Colombia presented the achievements and experiences of its telemedicine program before academic and health authorities from Spain and Portugal.
The director of Telesalud Caldas, Esteban Granada Aguirre, presented in Spain to Spanish and Portuguese health authorities and academics, the achievements of the telemedicine strategy in Caldas during the pandemic.
Telehealth Caldas presented the achievements made during the pandemic through a comprehensive telehealth strategy that included the Telemedicine Route and the use of digital platforms.

“We managed to present the successful experience within the framework of the COVID-19 strategy, a very important recognition for the University of Caldas, the Caldas Health Territory and the Caldas Government within the framework of the agreement and for this reason we continue with the Telemedicine Route. International and in this way continue to cross borders with our attention”, explained Granada Aguirre.
The presentation was given during the Thirty-ninth Annual Meeting of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology, at the University of León. In addition, it was attended by the Portuguese Association of Epidemiology and the Spanish Society of Public Health and Health Administration.