The challenges and opportunities that new technologies bring become a contrast that, while the use of digital medicine puts into question, enrich knowledge in depth to obtain benefits for the general society and its quality of life.
Digital Health has brought important advances for the industry by speeding up the means that keep patients digitally connected to physicians and vice versa.
The Future Health Index Report, a study conducted every year to explore and measure the impact of digital solutions on medical care for doctors and patients.
In 2019, in its fourth edition, focused mainly on the innovation, improvement and commitment of specialists to digital systems, access to public services to empower the patient and continuous learning.
The data obtained, consider that those patients involved with the new technologies have access to greater and better medical opportunities and, therefore, the percentage of acceptance to these devices is beneficial in more than 74% at the Latin American level.
One of the great advances allowed by this digital age are progressive methods such as telehealth and digitized records that allow the patient to be treated by any doctor anywhere in the world without knowing each other. Even in the event of an emergency, the patient could be treated in a specialized manner just by knowing their digital record.

In this context, report figures show that 44% of people use these tools to measure their blood pressure and 39% to check their weight. In addition, it could be noted that professionals are adapting to this new methodology; indicating that 76% use electronic records within health facilities and that 80% share information simultaneously and in real time.
That's why professionals around the world have decided to implement initiatives that will lead patients and specialists to constantly learn about the importance of sharing their medical information with the security that telemedicine brings.
An important part of the work doctors has at this time is to find the best digital inclusion practices for their patients and to motivate them correctly to be informed, known, and start using them.