One year after the implementation of the Teleatiendo platform of the Peruvian Ministry of Health (Minsa), the professionals who provide its services have managed to provide remote medical care and follow-up to nearly 530,000 patients.
Last year, following the outbreak of COVID-19 infections in Peru, the Teleatiendo platform was implemented by the Minsa. As of April 13, 2021, it had provided health counseling and follow-up to 529,993 patients nationwide.
In addition, it receives more than 7,000 requests per day that are attended by nurses, doctors, obstetricians, nutritionists, dental surgeons, psychologists and other professionals.
The most recurrent consultations are about family planning, oral health, vaccination, hypertension, COVID-19, counseling and psychological orientation. The Minsa reported that more than 80% of the platform's users were satisfied with the service provided.

Teleatiendo proved to be a very relevant platform during the pandemic health emergency. Users can receive free remote care from any region of the country with qualified professionals.
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The growth of telemedicine during the pandemic
Since the beginning of the pandemic in Peru, more than 18,000,000 remote care services have been provided. These services have been received through cell phones, applications and web systems, among others. The Minsa reported that the exponential growth in the demand for telemedicine services has led to 35,000 daily visits when the pre-pandemic figure was 250 patients per day.
So far, 2,557 facilities of the Minsa, the National Penitentiary Institute (Inpe) and the Peruvian Army are part of the National Telehealth Network.