The Social Health Security (EsSalud), signed an agreement with the National Penitentiary Institute of Peru (INP), to provide telemedicine services to the insured population in prisons.
The agreement between EsSalud and the INP will begin on April 25 and will offer telemedicine care to its policyholders in prisons in Peru, with the aim of improving their health condition. Likewise, EsSalud explained that there will be 48 establishments that will offer their services through this modality.
"With this agreement we are going to benefit 8,000 inmates of the prison population at the national level that have EsSalud," explained Alegre Raúl Fonseca, executive president of EsSalud.

He also highlighted the value of telemedicine in these cases, "Via Telemedicina we are going to give you timely care, deliver medications and perform auxiliary tests," he concluded.
Medical teleconsultations will be for general medicine, specialties, and mental health. In the same way, they will provide a telesupport service in the X-ray diagnosis, and transfers of the inmates to establishments to carry out studies will be managed.
They will also coordinate the delivery of medications through the Neighborhood Pharmacy program, and the nearest health centers.