The Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Colombia (Minsalud) and the National Institute of Health held the XVII Scientific Meeting where recent success stories in public health were presented.
The XVII Scientific Meeting event "Science, Technology and Innovation at the service of the pandemic response plan in Colombia", had the objective of disseminating success stories in strategies for health initiatives in Colombia during the pandemic.
The meeting was attended by Telehealth from the University of Caldas, during the event they presented their Telemedicine strategies and their software RegistroCOVID, worked together with the departmental government of Caldas, as a success story.

“RegistroCOVID is a software that Telesalud develops for the department of Caldas with which a positive impact is achieved and through an epidemiological surveillance program it provides the department with permanent support for monitoring, control and decision-making related to COVID-19” explained Esteban Granada, director of Telesalud Caldas.
Also at the event, they highlighted the importance of telemedicine strategies to provide monitoring and follow-up to positive or suspected cases of COVID-19. In this way it was possible to bring health services closer to the population during the health emergency.
Since the beginning, Telehealth at the University of Caldas has developed a series of mobile health strategies, remote health, interactive platforms on COVID-19, psychological care by teleconsultation, among others. To learn more click here.