14-year-old teenager creates a map of COVID-19 confirming cases in Mexico using MyMaps, a Google platform
Miguel Angel Lopez Ortega, a 14-year-old Mexican teenager, used Google’s MyMaps, a platform that allows the user to create custom maps and the Federal Government data to create a map with COVID-19 cases nationwide.
The map shows the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in each state of the country, as well as in the main affected cities. In addition, there is the option to view the full list of cases by state.
States appear in different colors depending on the number of confirmed contagions to quickly identify states with the highest number of cases. The map also shows in a simple way the number of suspicious cases and negative cases across the country.

You can view the map in the following link, the map is constantly updated with the official numbers of each state and the federal government information: