General Directorate of Telehealth, Reference and Emergencies (Digtel), reported that Line 113 of health, reached 1.4 million teleorientations in the first 10 months of 2021.
Of the more than 1.4 million remote guidance calls received by Line 113 from January to October, more than 560 thousand corresponded to care for symptoms of COVID-19. In addition, 78% of the calls came from the Lima metropolitan area, and the rest from the other regions.
“Line 113 Health is the health information and guidance platform closest to the citizen, active 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Always fulfilling the mission of being a free, timely, permanent and quality service for the population for more than 19 years, in highly specialized areas such as medicine, psychology, nutrition, obstetrics, nursing and institutional information”, said the Executive Director of Infosalud, Edith Pariona Valer.

On the other hand, in September the Ministry of Health (Minsa) announced that during the first nine months of the year they answered 93,475 calls on issues related to mental health.
Infosalud highlighted the importance of Line 113, during the health emergency, since, as of the pandemic, access to this service grew exponentially, achieving a total of 4 million 965 thousand 220 calls, of which 1 million 213 thousand 762 were teleorientations on COVID-19.
“It is a priority for the management to increase and improve basic skills and interpersonal skills, as well as permanently update the knowledge of the staff, all for better performance in the teleorientation process through Line 113 Health. In addition, we want to encourage the professional and personal growth of human resources so that they provide better care, of more quality and warmth, to the entire population at the national level”, explained Pariona.