Telemedicine specialists from the Garrahan Hospital in Buenos Aires, made a visit to the health services of the province of Tucumán.
The Garrahan Hospital team met with authorities from the Tucumán Ministry of Public Health, where they highlighted the work carried out in terms of telemedicine and the health information system. In addition, both parties agreed on various criteria on telemedicine care, the Salud Escucha strategy and shift management.
In this sense, the director of Medical Technology Management of the Provincial Health System (Si prosa), Luis Rocha, explained that during the pandemic the application of telemedicine, teleconsultations and teleeducation has grown to serve the population during the health emergency.
In addition, he explained that initially they had more than 30 offices to offer assistance by teleconsultation. "Telemedicine is here to stay and be offered as a fundamental tool," he mentioned.
On the other hand, one of the referents of the Garrahan Hospital telehealth project, María Celeste Savignano, explained that during the visit “We were able to see reflected how the different hospitals or centers of the first, second or third level, have articulated everything during the pandemic. what it has to do with the network of Telehealth services, emphasizing the different needs presented by the community and how these services, already coming out of the third wave, were adapted to other needs of the community”.

During their stay in Tucumán, the specialists also visited the Niño Jesús hospital, a pediatric hospital that has a telehealth strategy that was key during the pandemic and is still in force.
Through this strategy, which was supported by Garrahan, the hospital provides care to pediatric patients using telemedicine, as well as regular monitoring and controls that some chronic patients require.
In this way, the coordinator of Networks and Distance Communication of the Garrahan hospital, Antonio Luna, explained that it is important to have a collaborative and shared work agenda at the provincial and national levels in terms of telehealth. He also explained that the balance of the visit was satisfactory and highlighted the importance of continuing collaborative work and especially with telehealth strategies, even though the pandemic is on its way out.